Shipping + Returns

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept: American Express, Visa, Master Card, ApplePay, & PayPal..

is shipping included?

Yes! WE ship FedEx Ground.

What is your return policy?

All sales are final. If you have unmet expectations that you cannot resolve, let’s dialogue and find a solution.

What is your order fulfillment time?

Your piece will ship within 3 business days after your order is received. We ship domestically with UPS ground.

What happens if the piece breaks in transit?

Pieces will be shipped with insurance. Should damage occur during shipping, refunds can be made. Photographs of the damaged piece and the damaged box will be required to claim insurance. This info must be submitted within 3 days of packaged delivery.We will send you a shipping label to return the piece. Once received, we will credit your card. I will Kintsugi the piece. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken ceramics by mending breakage with metallic gold lacquer. The golden veins celebrate the piece's rejoined form. Once finished, I will reach back to see if you are interested in buying the resulting piece.

DO you ship internationally?

No. At the moment. we only ship within the United States but we will eventually!

Can you expedite orders and ship faster?

If you need a piece STAT email us prior to purchase and ask if it is possible. We can get a price quote from UPS for faster shipping.


Are surface imperfections normal?

Imperfections are innate to handmade objects and to be celebrated. Every firing has its own magic and therefore a variety of outcomes are inevitable.

can i place your pieces on wood or lacquer surfaces?

Meh! We hand sand the pieces before firing and after to get the foot to be as smooth as possible but its still mostly stoneware clay body which has grog in it. It has the potential to scratch sensitive surfaces. We suggest a felt coaster to be safe..

Can I put your pieces in the dishwasher?

Yes. The machine itself is not harmful; However, if pieces are banging against other things, the impact could cause damage.

how often do you update your inventory?

Periodically. As pieces sell out, we will repopulate with new work. Collections will be launched seasonally. To get the latest updates, sign up for my newsletter + follow along on Instagram @thomlussier.

Are your pieces food safe?

We carefully identify pieces which are and are not food safe in each item description. A general rule of thumb is: all metallic glazes ARE NOT FOOD SAFE. All other glazes are food safe. The glazes used are lead free and non toxic.

Can I buy and ship direct as a gift?

Absolutely. Happy to help make this a beautiful gift experience for somebody you love. We can make a note and spiff up the shipping to feel more special.

what kind of clay do you use?

Clay body is identified in each piece description. Typically they are either White Stoneware or Porcelain.

Will you repeat a piece design?

At the moment, no; However, Within the next year we will introduce slip cast/production products.

can your pieces go into the microwave?

None of the metallic glazes can go into a microwave, the rest of the pieces can but we don’t recommend it.

Can i pick up my piece instead of shipping?

Yes you can. My studio is located in Provincetown, Massachusetts. If you are nearby or planning a trip to Ptown, you can schedule a pic up. If you are in the New York City area and if we have a truck heading back to NYC, you can pick up from our home furnishing store Cafiero Select, located in the East Village.

what techniques do you use?

All pieces are hand made on a pottery wheel..

do you charge sales tax?

Pieces shipped to an address in the State of New York will be taxed NYS Sales Tax of 8.875%.

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